
28 items
28 items
Press Releases
Growth Energy Voices Support for Ohio Tax Credit for Higher Biofuel Blends
COLUMBUS, OHIO—Growth Energy, the nation’s largest biofuels trade association, submitted testimony today to the Ohio House of Representatives and its Ways and Means Committee voicing support for House Bill 324, which would...
Growth Energy Testimony Supporting Ohio Higher Blends Tax Credit
Growth Energy is the world’s largest association of biofuel producers, representing 96 U.S. plants that each year produce more than 9 billion gallons of cleaner-burning, renewable fuel – including five of Ohio’s...
Third-Party Research
Washington Clean Fuels Standard – Carbon Intensity Model Peer Review
This peer review was conducted in support of Washington State Department of Ecology’s rulemaking for a new rule, Chapter 173-424 WAC, Clean Fuels Program Rule. As part of this peer review, the...
Third-Party Research
Evaluation of Potential E15 Sales in California (2022 Study)
Blending ethanol into gasoline provides a variety of benefits for consumers, the environment, and the U.S. economy more generally. Domestically produced ethanol has largely replaced other fuel additives (which may be harmful...
Third-Party Research
Current Methods for LCA of Low-Carbon Transportation Fuels in the United States (2022)
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions drive climate change. In the United States, transportation is the largest source of GHG emissions. Petroleum products account for about 90 percent of U.S. transportation fuels, with biofuels,...
Third-Party Research
California Multimedia Evaluation of E11-E15 Gasoline-Ethanol Blends
The California Health and Safety Code (CHSC) requires that a multimedia evaluation be conducted and reviewed by the California Environmental Policy Council (CEPC) before specifications for new motor fuels can be adopted...
Bliley: Improving Ethanol’s Outlook
*This story first ran in Ethanol Producer Magazine. As countries begin to examine ways to achieve their own climate goals, particularly in the transportation sector, many are implementing more stringent fuel economy...