
29 items
29 items
Growth Energy Testimony on Minnesota Clean Transportation Standard Proposal
Thank you for the opportunity to provide written testimony on SF 2584, which would establish a clean fuel standard for the state of Minnesota. Growth Energy is the world’s largest association of...
Growth Energy Comments on IRS’ Proposed 45V Hydrogen Regulations
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) proposed regulations regarding the Section 45V Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen. If properly implemented, the incentives for producing...
Press Releases
Growth Energy to NHTSA: Biofuels Must Be Part of CAFE Standards
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In comments yesterday to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Growth Energy, the nation’s largest biofuels trade association, urged regulators to include a role for American-made biofuels in the Agency’s...
Third-Party Research
Decarbonizing Combustion Vehicles: Transportation Energy Institute
S&P Global Mobility1 reports that in July 2021 BEVs represented only 0.42% of vehicles in operation, which left 282 million internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) on the roads in the U.S. By...
Third-Party Research
Review of EPA’s Proposed RFS Standards for 2023-2025
Ramboll and Net Gain Ecological Services have reviewed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Proposed Renewable Fuel Standard 2023-2025 rule (the “Set Proposal” or “Proposed Rule”) and the accompanying Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis...
Third-Party Research
GHG Analysis of Dry Mill for Corn Ethanol Production under IRA
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) requires the calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on the GREET model for credit generation under Section 45Z. As specified in the Act: “The lifecycle greenhouse...
Third-Party Research
Comparison of Exhaust Emissions Between E10 and Splash Blended E15
For this program, two fuels, namely an E10 and E15, were tested on twenty 2016 and newer modern gasoline fueled vehicles over triplicate Federal Test Procedure (FTP) cycles. The E10 fuel was...
Third-Party Research
Washington Clean Fuels Standard – Carbon Intensity Model Peer Review
This peer review was conducted in support of Washington State Department of Ecology’s rulemaking for a new rule, Chapter 173-424 WAC, Clean Fuels Program Rule. As part of this peer review, the...
Third-Party Research
Review of EPA Workshop on Biofuel Greenhouse Gas Modeling
EPA’s Biofuel Greenhouse Gas Modeling Workshop provided updates on ongoing research related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with biofuels. Most of the material covered topics associated with land use conversion and...
Third-Party Research
Review of GHG Emissions of Corn Ethanol under the EPA RFS2
Twelve years of experience and improved analysis methods have provided new insight into the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from corn ethanol. This study reviews the key factors that affect the...