
283 items
283 items
Member HighlightsBlog
Member Highlight: Renew Kansas
Renew Kansas is an associate member based out of Topeka, Kansas, that has been a part of our association since Aug. 8, 2017. Originally formed in 2004 as the Association of Ethanol...
In the News: “Secrets to Succeed With E15”
The following excerpt will be published in the May print edition of Convenience Store Decisions Magazine and is also available on their website: “Through the support of Growth Energy and Prime the...
Every Day is Earth Day When You Choose E15
Earth Day is a perfect time to reflect on how we interact with the world and what we are doing to improve it. And if you’re fueling up your car with higher-ethanol blends, like E15...
Manning in EPM: Why America Needs a Biofuels Curriculum
In the May issue of Ethanol Producer Magazine, Vice President of Development and South Dakota farm kid Kelly Manning shared why he believes educating rural America’s future leaders on biofuels is so important,...
Willis: Global Ethanol Exports Once Again Set Record 12-Month Period to Start 2019
By Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Global Markets Craig Willis The global ethanol export outlook for 2018 ended on a high note – setting a record for the highest 12-month export...
Celebrating Leading Women in Biofuels
Supporting American ethanol means supporting a more affordable fuel choice at the pump, a healthier environment, and an economic lifeline for rural communities – and it also means supporting female leadership. In honor...
Member HighlightsBlog
A Look Back at Growth Energy’s 2018 Accomplishments
Check out our 2018 accomplishments here!
Expanding Consumer Access to Biofuels in New York
The New York Department of Agriculture and Markets may soon update the state’s fuel regulations to allow the sale of E15 – fuel mixed with 15 percent ethanol. The change would represent...
Willis: U.S. Ethanol Exports Continue Climbing For 2018
November continued the trend of unprecedented growth in exports with over 1.56 billion gallons reported year-to-date and over 147 million gallons for the month.