
19 items
19 items
Press Releases
Growth Energy Rallies Biofuel Champions at D.C. Summit
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Advocates and experts have virtually converged in Washington, D.C. this week for Growth Energy’s annual Biofuels Summit to advocate for biofuels in our nation’s capital. Growth Energy CEO Emily...
US.-Mexico-Canada agreement entered into force
By Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Global Markets Craig Willis Yesterday, we celebrated that the U.S-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) officially entered into force, which modernizes the previous trade pact, and strengthens the...
Discussing Trade, E15 Expansion at Annual NAFB Trade Talk
Growth Energy was thrilled to once again attend the National Association of Farm Broadcaster’s (NAFB) annual convention, where we hosted the Past President’s dinner for the ninth year running and participated in...
Press Releases
Growth Energy Participates in USDA Trade Mission to West Africa
Pictured above from left to right: Green Plains Inc. Head of International Ethanol Trading Brandon Thomas., U.S. Ambassador to Ghana Stephanie Sullivan, Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Global Markets Craig Willis,...
Growth Energy Joins USDA Trade Mission to West Africa
Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Global Markets Craig Willis participated in a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) trade mission to Ghana and Nigeria led by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen...
Biofuels Continue to Flourish in Canada Due to Free Trade
By Craig Willis, Senior Vice President of Global Markets Since the inception of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in 2007, Canada has been the most consistent destination for exports of U.S. ethanol...
Spotlight on Trade: Willis Addresses Biofuels Summit Attendees on Global Ethanol Outlook
Opening markets for ethanol abroad is a critical component of ensuring continued economic growth for U.S. ethanol producers and farmers. This week, our members are taking that message to our nation’s capital...
Willis Joins Tour with Mexico Fuel Retailers in Iowa
Last week, our Senior Vice President of Global Markets Craig Willis joined a tour of Iowa’s corn ethanol industry with fuel retailers from Mexico who are here to learn about the American...
Willis: Smaller Ethanol Markets Show Growth in May
By Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Global Markets Craig Willis Ethanol exports fell over 50 million gallons (mg) to 99 mg for May — the lowest for the year — as major markets...
Willis: Ethanol Exports Briefly Bounce Back After Logistical Hurdles
By Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Global Markets Craig Willis Last month, we discussed the possibility that logistical hurdles within the United States could continue to impact ethanol exports in April...