95 items
95 items
Third-Party Research
EH&E Response to Proposed Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program Standards for 2023–2025
We at Environmental Health & Engineering (EH&E) are a multi-disciplinary team of environmental health scientists and engineers with expertise in measurements, models, data science, lifecycle analyses (LCA), and public health. Members of...
Third-Party Research
Review of EPA’s Proposed RFS Standards for 2023-2025
Ramboll and Net Gain Ecological Services have reviewed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Proposed Renewable Fuel Standard 2023-2025 rule (the “Set Proposal” or “Proposed Rule”) and the accompanying Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis...
Biofuels Summit 2022: Advocating for a Strong RFS and Year-Round Access to E15
The 2022 Growth Energy Biofuels Summit (GEBS) returned to in-person hill meetings at a critical moment for the biofuels industry, as lawmakers are focused on affordable and accessible fuel, energy independence, and...
Third-Party Research
Taheripour et al. Response to Lark et. al. RFS Study
We recently reviewed the article published by Lark et al. (2022) in PNAS, detected various problematic assumptions, approaches, data, and results in that study. Based on our findings, we concluded that these...
Third-Party Research
Lark Response to Comments on “Environmental Outcomes of the US RFS” Study
Taheripour et al. recently posted comments on their websites about our peer-reviewed study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Lark et al. 2022). In their commentary, the authors...
Third-Party Research
Taheripour et al. Comments on Lark et al. 2022 RFS Study
Lark et al. (2022) recently published “Environmental Outcomes of the US Renewable Fuel Standard” and addressed domestic land use change (LUC) of corn ethanol and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are...
Third-Party Research
Preliminary Comments on Lark et al. 2022 RFS Study
This memorandum provides Net Gain’s preliminary observations regarding Environmental Outcomes of the US Renewable Fuel Standard published by Lark et al. (2022). The work described in this paper appears to be the...
Third-Party Research
Environmental Outcomes of the US Renewable Fuel Standard: Lark Study
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) specifies the use of biofuels in the United States and thereby guides nearly half of all global biofuel production, yet outcomes of this keystone climate and environmental...
Third-Party Research
Comments to EPA on 2020-2022 RFS Rule: Stillwater
1 2022 Potential Ethanol Production EIA lists the U.S. ethanol nameplate production capacity for 2020 at 17.38 billion gallons per year. How much of this ethanol production capacity can be used is...
Third-Party Research
Analysis of EPA’s Proposed Rulemaking for 2020, 2021, and 2022 RVOs
This memorandum provides Net Gain’s comments and observations regarding selected technical issues associated with EPA’s Proposed Rule for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program Rules for 2020, 2021, and 2022 Renewable Volume...