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No. 59, Nov. 29, 2018



EPA Set to Soon Release Final 2019 RVO

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to soon release its 2019 Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO). Press reports have indicated that EPA plans to release a final RVO that will match its proposed volumes from earlier this year. EPA's June proposal would mandate a 2019 biofuel mandate of 19.88 billion gallons of biofuels - 15 billion gallons of which would be made up of conventional corn ethanol.


In July, 2018, Growth Energy's Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley testified before the EPA on their proposed 2019 RVO at a field hearing in Ypsilanti, MI. His comments, found here, outlined the need for EPA to address the reallocation of small refinery exemptions (SREs) and account for billions of gallons of lost ethanol from those exemptions. While we commend EPA for expanding RVOs for advanced biofuels, without addressing lost ethanol gallon, EPA is taking two steps backwards for every one step forwards.


Additionally, EPA has stated they will not reallocate or address the lost gallons due to SRE’s in the 2019 RVOs. While we commend EPA for expanding RVOs for advanced biofuels, this is a missed opportunity to correctly account for billions of gallons of biofuels lost to unwarranted refinery exemptions. Until these are addressed properly, we’re still taking two steps back for every step forward.


We will keep you updated on the final RVOs when they are released.

For more details, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Chris Bliley.




Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor to Testify on Octane, RFS at House E&C Subcommittee on Environment


EU Proposal RED II Improves Biofuel Outlook, Phases Out Conventional Ethanol


Consumers Keep Coming Back to E15


Growth Energy Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Podcast Series




Austin Dillon to Feature as Special Reporter at 2018 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Awards


NAAE National Convention
Nov. 27-30, San Antonio, TX
American Ethanol Universal Technical Institute Workshop
Nov. 28, Mooresville, NC


Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor to Testify on Octane, RFS at House E&C Subcommittee on Environment

Last Wednesday, U.S. Representatives John Shimkus (R-IL) and Bill Flores (R-TX) released a discussion draft which would sunset the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and replace it with a higher octane fuel that would likely be met with today's premium gasoline. While the draft acknowledges the value of higher octane fuels, it would ultimately be a step backwards for our industry and nation and strip consumers of the benefits they have come to expect from ethanol at the pump.

Growth Energy will keep you updated on the status of biofuels legislation and any important legislative hearings in the coming weeks.

For more details, contact Vice President of Government Affairs, John Fuher.



EU Proposal RED II Improves Biofuel Outlook, Phases Out Conventional Ethanol


On Tuesday, Nov. 13, the European Union’s (EU) Parliament approved a proposal that would require that 32 percent of the EU’s energy be provided by renewable resources by 2030. The measure, part of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), made specific reference to the use of biofuels as part of this mandate, both for its benefits in helping the EU achieve its climate goals and for plans to phase out the use of conventional ethanol in favor of cellulosic biofuel.


While Growth energy commends the EU for recognizing the benefits of biofuels for climate change reduction and improving GHG emissions, the measure holds some significant inaccuracies that underlie its conclusions. The claim within the measure that 'first generation' biofuels, or conventional ethanol, poses a high risk of land-use conversion and displacement of food crops is baseless. Additionally, there is little evidence that conventional ethanol would need to be phased out to improve emissions and climate targets, particularly given the EU's own admission that they are necessary to begin a successful transition.


Starch ethanol continues to be one of the most economical, environmentally viable, and widely-available fuels on the market today. The measure’s proposal to increase the market share for electric vehicles is neither economically viable nor without significant barriers, especially without an evaluation of the full life cycle carbon intensity of electric vehicles. Alternatively, while countries consider various strategies to meet their own climate goals, they can seize on an immediate opportunity through the use of high-octane, midlevel ethanol blends that improve fuel economy and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Growth Energy will continue to contest legislation around the globe which misrepresents the benefits of conventional ethanol as a fuel alternative and keep you up-to-date on the global ethanol outlook.

For more details, contact Senior Vice President of Global Markets, Craig Willis.



Consumers Keep Coming Back to E15
Growth Energy recently announced that American motorists have driven more than 6 billion miles on E15, and they keep coming back to E15 because it provides an unrivaled value. Consumers like the fact that E15 is a cleaner burning fuel that is a smart choice for their engine and earth kind. Because of this positive response, E15 has continued to expand its retail footprint and is now available at more than 1,667 retail stores in 30 states. Additionally, E15 is approved for 2001 and newer vehicles which represent more than 90% of the automobiles on the road today.

The consistent growth of E15 can be attributed to the fact that a broad collection of drivers are looking for options at the pump that provide better value. Studies have shown that millennials are traditionally more environmentally conscious and favor the clean aspect of the fuel. On the other hand, busy moms are continually looking for savings and appreciate the price differential of E15, compared to regular fuel, but also like that it is a good  choice for the air their children and grandchildren breathe, emitting fewer harmful toxins.

“At the dispenser, we’re honing in on how consumers see E15, and within that, we’re helping retailers optimize the sales of E15. The billions of miles, along with millions of transactions demonstrate that it’s a viable product,” says Mike O’Brien, vice president of market development at Growth Energy. E15 has been experiencing tremendous growth, both in retail and consumer adoption.
Retailers want to offer a product that their customers are looking for and E15 does that, along with providing a competitive price advantage. “It’s a good time to start putting E15 in,” says O’Brien.

For more details, contact Vice President of Market Development, Mike O'Brien.



Growth Energy Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Podcast Series

Growth Energy is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a three-part podcast series looking back 10 years of growth. The series celebrates our many accomplishments over the years and examines how we will tackle the challenges ahead.

The second episode in this series reflects on the importance of Growth Energy's American Ethanol partnership with NASCAR to prove ethanol's performance value. This podcast features Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor, as well as former NASCAR CEO Brian France, POET CEO and Growth Energy co-chair Jeff Broin, Marquis Energy CEO Mark Marquis, former National Corn Growers Association presidents Bart Schott and Darrin Ihnen, Richard Childress Racing CEO Richard Childress, and NASCAR racer Auston Dillon. You won't want to miss this exciting series of the Driving Ethanol Podcast.


If you missed episode one, it can be found here. Episode two can be found at the button above or by going here. Stay tuned for episode three!

For more details, contact Director of Communications, Leigh Claffey.





For more details, contact Vice President of Development, Kelly Manning.



Austin Dillon to Feature as Special Reporter at 2018 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Awards

Pictured above: Austin Dillon on 'LIVE with Kelly and Ryan'

Tonight on NBCSN, the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Awards will be held at 9 p.m. EST to honor this year's award winners with coverage starting in a special edition of NASCAR AMERICA starting at 8 p.m. EST. The event will be held at the Wynn Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nev, where RCR driver and American Ethanol representative Austin Dillon will feature as a special red carpet reporter.


Dillon will join NBC pit reporter Marty Snider, where the duo will interview and offer commentary on NASCAR racers and celebrities alike, including this year's Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Playoff drivers. Be sure to tune in at 8 p.m. and catch all the action.

For more details, contact Manager of Communications, Austin Dabney.


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