Press Releases
1412 items
1412 items
Growth Energy CEO to Attend White House Clean Energy Economy Forum Hosted by Ag Secretary Vilsack
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis is attending the White House Clean Energy Economy Forum to help rural America build a clean energy economy that will create jobs, reduce...
Growth Energy:Ford Motor Co. Flex Fuel Vehicle Commitment Will Help Achieve U.S. Energy Independence
WASHINGTON, DC – Growth Energy, the coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters, welcomed today’s announcement by Ford Motor Company that it will deliver on its 2006 pledge to double the number of 2010...
New Study Shows Land Use Impacts of Corn Ethanol Significantly Overstated
WASHINGTON, DC – A new estimate of corn ethanol’s impact on land use shows that California's low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) unfairly penalizes the corn ethanol industry, according to a statement by Growth...
President Obama: We Can Rebuild American Economy Through Renewable Fuels
WASHINGTON, DC — Following President Obama’s speech from Growth Energy’s member plant POET-Biorefining in Macon, Mo., CEO Tom Buis issued the following statement: “Let me repeat what we heard the President of...
In Show of Support for Domestic Ethanol, President Obama to Tour Growth Energy Member Plant
WASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, April 28, Growth Energy, the coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters, will welcome President Obama to member plant POET- Biorefining in Macon, Mo., as part of his “White...
No Dilemma: American Farmers Can Produce Enough Corn for Food, Feed and Fuel
WASHINGTON, DC – Growth Energy, the coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters, today issued a statement in response to a Bloomberg news article that erroneously defines the “food-versus-fuel” myth as fact, despite evidence...
Extending Tariff, Tax Credit Would Spur Job Growth
WASHINGTON, DC – Growth Energy, the coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters, issued the following statement after Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Kent Conrad, D-N.D., introduced a bipartisan bill to extend the Volumetric...
Study: Indiana Would Lose Jobs if Tariff Lapses
WASHINGTON, DC – A University of Missouri study shows that Indiana would suffer significant job losses and a severe decline in economic activity if the tariff on foreign-subsidized ethanol is allowed to...
Study: Minnesota Would Lose Jobs if Tariff Lapses
WASHINGTON, DC – A University of Missouri study shows that Minnesota would suffer significant job losses and a severe decline in economic activity if the tariff on foreign-subsidized ethanol is allowed to...
Study: South Dakota Would Lose Jobs if Tariff Lapses
WASHINGTON, DC – A University of Missouri study shows that South Dakota would suffer significant job losses and a severe decline in economic activity if the tariff on foreign-subsidized ethanol is allowed...