
57 items
57 items
For Retailers
Frequently Asked Questions: For Retailers
While ethanol has been added to fuel for decades, not everyone understands why. Below are some E15 basics and a list of questions frequently asked by retailers. E15 Basics Why are consumers...
Press Releases
Growth Energy’s “Green American Road Trip” Recognized for Digital Excellence
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Growth Energy, the nation’s largest biofuel trade association, announced today that the Get Biofuel consumer initiative has been recognized by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AVIA) for...
Third-Party Research
Assessment of Production and Consumption Capacity of Conventional Ethanol in 2023-2025
EIA lists the U.S. ethanol nameplate production capacity at 17.38 billion gallons per year as of January 1, 2022. How much of this ethanol production capacity can be used is primarily a...
For Retailers
Equipment Compatibility
Equipment compatibility with E15 and higher blends of ethanol E15 is approved for 2001 and newer vehicles, or over 96% of the vehicles on the road today and account for more than...
For Suppliers
Pre-Blended Supply
Groundbreaking partnerships with leading independent retailers have pushed open the doors to a ready supply of E15 at terminals across the country. E15 is offered by more than 386 suppliers at 113...
For Retailers
The Benefits of E15
A six-part series about the benefits of E15 Fuel as seen in Convenience Store News.
For RetailersFor Suppliers
Unleaded 88 Brand Guidelines
Download the UNL88 brand guidelines.
Third-Party Research
Impact on Consumer Savings from Year-Round Nationwide E15 Use
One of the most significant opportunities for both consumers and the ethanol industry lies in expanding demand by increasing use of higher blend levels. Since motor gasoline containing higher levels of ethanol...
Third-Party Research
Comparison of Exhaust Emissions Between E10 and Splash Blended E15
For this program, two fuels, namely an E10 and E15, were tested on twenty 2016 and newer modern gasoline fueled vehicles over triplicate Federal Test Procedure (FTP) cycles. The E10 fuel was...
Third-Party Research
Emissions Impacts of the Elimination of the 1-psi RVP Waiver for E10
The U.S. EPA Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) 3.0 model has been used to estimate the impact on air emissions from on-road gasoline/ethanol-powered vehicles if the 1-psi Reid vapor pressure (RVP) waiver...