Advanced newsletter

No. 03, Oct. 18, 2017





Growth Energy's Market Development team is in Chicago for the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) show October 18 through 20! With an estimated 30,000 attendees, the NACS show is the largest gathering in the convenience store industry. We look forward to  letting everyone know we've reached 1,000 E15 stations, forging new relationships with retailers, catching up with existing partners, and engaging retailer targets directly on E15 benefits. If you're also attending, come see us at booth 4027!

For more details on the NACS show, contact Vice President of Market Development Mike O'Brien.





Monitoring Nominations and Standing Up for the RFS


The Fuel Ethanol Lab Conference and the Ag/Auto/Ethanol Annual Forum  


Gathering Comment Submissions for EPA’s Notice of Data Availability


Four Governors Send Letter to President Trump in Support of RFS

Iowa Governor Leads Press Conference on Threats Against Homegrown Biofuels


Minnoco's Pink Out Campaign


Redfield Energy Promotes Ethanol


Kum & Go Addresses NCSL


Ethanol Summit of the Americas and Agriculture Trade Mission to India 


Growth Energy Visits Green Plains


POET Chancellor's Family Safety Day




Oct. 18-20, 2017

McCormick Place

Chicago, Ill.

Ethanol Summit of the Americas

Oct. 18-19, 2017

Houston, Texas

90th National FFA Convention & Expo

Oct. 25-28, 2017

Indianapolis, Ind.


Nov. 9-10, 2017

Kansas City, Mo.



Monitoring Nominations and Standing Up for the RFS

The Government Affairs team continues to monitor the nomination of William Wehrum to serve as the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) at the EPA. The OAR manages the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), and the vote on Wehrum's nomination was postponed late yesterday over concerns Senators have with the EPA’s recent actions around the 2018 RVOs.


Additionally, on Tuesday Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Pat Roberts (R-KS), John Thune (R-SD), Mike Rounds (R-SD), and Ben Sasse (R-NE) met with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to discuss the RFS, the recent Notice of Data Availability (NODA) concerning biodiesel, and the rumored concept of adding a RIN to ethanol exports. The initial feedback that we received after the meeting was that it was a productive and positive conversation. Media reports also confirm that Administrator Pruitt said that he will take no actions that could undermine the RFS. We will continue to keep you posted as we learn more. 

For more details, contact Senior Director of Government Affairs John Fuher.



The Fuel Ethanol Lab Conference and the Ag/Auto/Ethanol Annual Forum  

The department of Regulatory Affairs had a busy week of travel last week! Vice President Chris Bliley presented at the 10th annual Fuel Ethanol Lab Conference in Omaha, where he gave an industry regulatory update and outlined the road ahead on ethanol policy for the remainder of the year.

Chris also participated in the Ag/Auto/Ethanol Annual Forum in Detroit. As the Chairman of the Fuel Regulations Action Team, he provided updates on the regulatory process moving forward on reconsideration of the greenhouse gas and fuel economy standards for light duty vehicles model years 2022-2025. The bulk of the program revolved around presenting the work and progress that has been made over the last year on the development of a draft package supporting a high-octane E25 certification fuel, which is now available for any automaker to submit to EPA. There were also substantive discussions on the build-out of pump infrastructure through Prime the Pump and other industry initiatives in support of higher ethanol blends. 

TWO Days Left to Submit Comments for EPA’s Notice of Data Availability

We continue to work on comments on the EPA’s flawed Notice of Data Availability (NODA) that would reduce biofuel blending volumes. In conjunction with our comment effort, we have made an action center available that will allow you to quickly and easily submit a comment to EPA as well, urging them to avoid turning back the clock on the RFS.

The comment period ends on October 19, so please act today! We encourage you to share this link with your friends, family, and personal/professional networks to spread the word and defend the RFS.

For more details on regulations and the NODA, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley.



Four Governors Send Letter to President Trump in Support of RFS

On Monday, four Republican governors sent a letter to President Trump voicing concern over the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recent wavering on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The letter was signed by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, and South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard. Growth Energy’s CEO Emily Skor praised the governors in a statement:


“Growth Energy commends Governors Reynolds, Brownback, Greitens, and Daugaard for continuing to be strong leaders and protectors of the RFS. The governors today joined a robust, growing list of champions who have stood up against drastic changes being considered by the EPA that would halt investments in the production of American-made biofuels like ethanol. We commend the governors for holding our federal government accountable to the law, and we join them in calling on the Administration to ensure that the EPA stays true to the president’s promises for a strong RFS.”

For more details on this letter from the governors contact Senior Director of Government Affairs John Fuher.

Iowa Governor Leads Press Conference on Threats Against Homegrown Biofuels

Today, Wednesday, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg will join local Iowa leaders to discuss recent threats to biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Proposals under consideration by the EPA would slash biofuel targets, threatening rural jobs and raising deep concerns among Iowa farmers and energy innovators. You can watch the livestream of this conference on here at 1:30 pm CDT (2:30 pm EDT). 

For more details on the press conference, contact Vice President of Communications & Public Affairs Chris Hogan.




Minnoco's Pink Out Campaign

Minnoco’s Pink Out campaign is in full swing during Breast Cancer Awareness month. The Minnesota-based retail chain is donating 2 cents per gallon of E15 sold to Hope Chest for Breast Cancer for the third year in a row.


Redfield Energy Promotes Ethanol


On Tuesday, October 4, Redfield Energy helped promote ethanol at a local fuel station. There were discounts available of $1 off E20 and E30 as well as $0.50 off E85. They sold 585 gallons of E20 and E30 in two hours, and served lunch to anyone coming in the station! Check out their Facebook page for more info.  

Kum & Go Addresses NCSL


Kum & Go’s Sioux Falls District Supervisor Blaine Corlett addressed a group attending the National Conference of State Legislators at one of Kum & Go’s E15 locations in Sioux Falls, S.D.

For more details, contact Vice President of Market Development Mike O'Brien or Vice President of Development Kelly Manning.



Ethanol Summit of the Americas and Agriculture Trade Mission to India

Todd Becker, CEO of Green Plains, Inc., will be the keynote speaker at the Ethanol Summit of the Americas (ESOTA) in Houston this week. Emily Skor and Jim Miller will also represent Growth Energy as presenters. ESOTA is the first-ever meeting of ethanol industry and government officials from throughout the Western Hemisphere held in the U.S. The summit is being organized by the U.S. Grains Council with support from Growth Energy and other organizations interested in increasing our collaboration with our trade partners throughout the region to discuss ways to expand the production, use, and trade of ethanol.


Additionally, Growth Energy’s Jim Miller, Marquis Energy’s Bart Piper, and POET’s Shailesh Sahay will head out on October 28 for an Agriculture Trade Mission to India led by Jason Hafemeister, Acting Deputy Under Secretary at USDA. During the mission, a team representing the U.S. ethanol industry will meet with industry and government officials in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and New Delhi to discuss the opportunities for India to achieve success in its efforts to expand fuel ethanol blending throughout the country. The team will encourage India to consider allowing fuel refiners and marketers to tender for imported fuel ethanol, which has been disallowed for several years, in order to bolster their total supply of ethanol and reduce their dependence on imported fossil fuels.

For more details on international markets, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley.



Growth Energy Visits Green Plains


Growth Energy’s CEO Emily Skor, as well as Kelly Manning, Chris Bliley, and Meredith Kesler, visited the new Green Plains headquarters in Omaha last week and had great discussions regarding member and community relations as well as policy and regulatory developments. Thank you to our hosts in Omaha!

POET Chancellor's Family Safety Day


The POET Chancellor Safety Committee hosted a Family Safety Day on September 9 for team members and their families. The day's purpose was to incorporate the important “Work to Live” message to team members and their families. Not only did everyone learn about safety protocols and hazards their family members have at work, but they also learned safety tips and techniques they can take home.

The day started with a pancake breakfast and then followed up with safety presentations about electricity, weather, and fires. Everyone had the opportunity to learn what to do in case of a fire and how to escape a smoke filled room. The Sioux Falls Landfill gave tips on recycling and waste management and helped the kids make edible landfills in a cup out of candy and cereal. Finally, plant tours were given on a trolley provided by the Turner County Fair. 

For more details on membership initiatives, contact Vice President of Development Kelly Manning.


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