
No. 69, Feb. 21, 2019



Democratic Presidential Candidates Support Ethanol in Iowa

As presidential candidates have campaigning for the 2020 presidential election cycle, ethanol has once again taken center stage as an issue in Iowa and across the Midwest. Three Democratic presidential candidates went on the record in Iowa this week to state their support for ethanol, including: Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ); Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY); and Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).


The comments made by these candidates underscore, once again, the important role that ethanol has to play in our nation's energy policy. Check out some of the quotes from the candidates below:


"So right now I support E15 year-round. I support ethanol. We've got to support our farmers."


- Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)

"I hear you're doing so many good things. I met with some experts and they told me that this generation of ethanol production is cleaner, more efficient, and has a bright future."


- Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)


"We've got the trade war and we've got commodity prices. And we're getting the year-round [E15] of course, we're trying to get that done now."


- Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

For more details, contact Vice President of Government Affairs, John Fuher.



State-level Ethanol Updates


Growth Energy Update on Ethanol Exports to the European Union


Casey's Nathaniel Doddridge Embodies Ethanol Advocacy


Member Highlight: POET Biorefining - Caro, MI


Commodity Classic
Feb. 28- Mar. 2, Orlando, FL
Nebraska Ethanol Board Emerging Issues Forum
Mar. 7-8, La Vista, NE


State-level Ethanol Updates

New York E15


Currently New York is one of just a few states that ban the sale of E15. Growth Energy has been working the past few years to remove the cap on the sale of E15 in the state. The New York Department of Agriculture and Markets announced a series of three stakeholder meetings to discuss a potential rulemaking to allow E15 in the state as well as some other regulatory changes including a ban on sale of midlevel ethanol blends (E16-E50).
Growth Energy, Western New York Energy, and Poet participated in the first meeting in Albany on Tuesday, and will be participating at the meetings in Merrick and Rochester. The first meeting was a productive conversation with the Department, and we will continue to remain actively engaged as the regulation moves through the process. You can view the stakeholder invitation here.

Washington Low Carbon Fuel Standard


As we’ve previously written, the Washington legislature is continuing to consider legislation to enact a statewide low carbon or clean fuel standard similar to those in neighboring Oregon and California.  HB 1110 has been approved by the House Environment and Energy Committee and the House Transportation Committee and there is a hearing in the House Appropriations Committee today.


The Senate has companion legislation, SB 5412, has been heard in the Senate Environment and Energy Committee and no further action has occurred.  Growth Energy has a consultant on the ground in Olympia who has provided testimony at each of the hearings, and we continue to stay actively engaged so that the market remains open for ethanol-blends should the policy be enacted.

For more details, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Chris Bliley.


Growth Energy Update on Ethanol Exports to the European Union

A top priority for Growth Energy going into 2019 is reducing unfair trade barriers to ensure open and fair ethanol markets for our producers and farmers. The European Union (EU) was a large importer of American ethanol until the implementation of tariffs on American ethanol in 2013. The EU Commission is now considering an Expiry Review of the tariffs that would extend them for an additional term.  The review, originally brought to the commission by ePURE and contested by Growth Energy and others, could reopen the market to American imports should the Commission terminate the tariff due to evidence brought by Growth Energy and our allies - allowing American producers and farmers fair access to the EU.


During their peak import period for ethanol in 2011, EU countries imported over 295 million gallons of ethanol from the United States. However, the imposition of country-wide 'anti-dumping' duties of 9.5 percent by the EU council severely limited American ethanol exports to the EU to the benefit of domestic producers. Anti-dumping duties are traditionally imposed in cases where the government finds that foreign producers are 'dumping' their product below market value. As part of the ongoing review by the Commission, Growth Energy provided evidence of a glaring mathematical error within ePURE's submission that disproves evidence of dumping in the region. Additionally Growth Energy has provided evidence that the European ethanol market has not been undercut by American ethanol imports.


The reopening of the EU ethanol market would be a huge step forward in establishing the value of American ethanol abroad and securing a key market for our domestic producers and farmers. Growth Energy will continue to keep you up-to-date on the progress of the review by the EU Commission and our efforts to ensure a fair market for American ethanol around the globe.

For more details, contact Senior Vice President of Global Markets, Craig Willis.


Casey's Nathaniel Doddridge Embodies Ethanol Advocacy

Expanding the footprint for higher ethanol bends in the marketplace and significantly growing market access for ethanol among our primary focuses at Growth Energy. In line with Growth Energy’s goals, Nathaniel Doddridge has been a true advocate for the biofuels industry, and through his leadership and vision he has positively impacted the growth of the entire biofuels industry.

Through his leadership, Casey’s has embraced the competitive advantages that E15 and E85 have to offer the retail chain. As a key member of the management team, he has worked to ensure that a key portion of Casey’s fuel strategy includes offering higher ethanol blend and more biodiesel across their chain.
As Doddridge recently put it, Casey’s is a mainstay in the rural community and needs to do its part to help commercialize biofuels like E15. To that effect, Casey’s General Stores announced a historic E15 partnership that will expand their E15 availability at more than 500 sites over the next several years.

Doddridge is a proven and outspoken advocate supporting biofuel blends like E15. And he has demonstrated his willingness to share his retail marketing experience with renewable fuels with others in the industry through conferences and industry share groups.

Through the Prime the Pump initiative, Growth Energy is able to forge relationships with key ethanol advocates like Doddridge who want to bring higher blends of ethanol fuel, like E15 and E85, to our nation's drivers. We will continue to build relationships with innovative and independent fuel retailers like Casey's General Store to build the domestic market outlook for ethanol fuel.

For more details, contact Vice President of Market Development, Mike O'Brien.


Member Highlight: POET Biorefining — Caro, MI

This week we will be highlighting the POET Biorefining plant in Caro, Michigan — the first ethanol plant produced in the state. Learn more about POET at, or learn more about the Caro, Mich. plant at


Management Team:

  • General Manager: David Gloer
  • Plant Manager: Emily Boynton
  • Operations Manager: Jim McMinn
  • EHHS Manager: Chuck Hauxwell
  • Manager: Keith Baur
  • Plant Controller: Leann Walker
  • Maintenance Manager: Chris White
  • Commodities Manager: Ron Balzer
  • Quality Manager: Nick Bauerschmidt

How long has the company been in operation?
The Caro plant has been in operation since November 2002.


Do you make any ethanol co-products?
In addition to producing 53 million gallons of starch ethanol annually, our facility produces important ethanol co-products including DDGs, Corn Oil, and Wet Feed.


What do you consider some of your company’s main accomplishments?
We have very consistent operations, very minimal employee turnover, and many original hires from 2002 that are still here.


What are some recent events or initiatives that you are proud of as a company?
We underwent significant expansion in 2016.

In what ways do you support or engage with your local community?
Our plant and employees engage with our community in many ways and through organizations like COC, the Rotary Club, the EDC, and MABA.


How long have you been a GE member?
We have been a member of Growth Energy for 10 years. In fact, our General Manager David Gloer was at the original meeting to form Growth Energy.

What do you like about being a member of Growth Energy?
We stay focused and united on industry initiatives rather than being fragmented. One voice.

For more details, contact Vice President of Development, Kelly Manning.

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