Research & Fact Sheets

61 items
61 items
Fact Sheets
With the Summer Sale of E15 (UNL88) in Progress, Drivers Across the Country are Seeing Significant Savings
E15 (UNL88), a 15% ethanol blended fuel, is a lower-cost, lower-carbon option at the gas pump. As a result of the emergency waivers issued in 2022 and 2023, consumers choosing E15 experienced...
Fact Sheets
E15: Progress Report
UNL88 (E15) is moving rapidly into the marketplace. Today, there are more than 3,400 retail locations in 33 states selling E15 at a price point up to a dollar cheaper per gallon...
Fact Sheets
Our Key Issues
Biofuels like ethanol reduce carbon emissions & costs at the pump.
Fact Sheets
Eliminate Trade Barriers for U.S. Ethanol
Biofuels are the most cost effective and expeditious solution for nations looking to achieve carbon reduction goals and improve their energy security. But tariffs, technical trade barriers, and inaccurate carbon intensity scores...
Fact Sheets
Pro-Biofuels Tax Incentives
These biofuel tax credits are essential to promoting innovation in rural communities, providing greater long-term energy security, and allowing biofuel producers and farmers to play a role in global decarbonization efforts.
Fact Sheets
Ensuring 2024 Summertime Sales of E15
Growth Energy supports uninterrupted access to lower-cost E15, and a permanent fix is needed. Last summer — thanks to access to E15 — drivers have seen savings of up to 60¢ per...
Fact Sheets
Biofuel Priorities in the 2023 Farm Bill
The ethanol industry purchased $32 billion of corn last year. Access to year-round E15, a 15 percent ethanol blend at the pump, would create demand for 2.4 billion additional bushels of corn...
Fact Sheets
Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Ethanol is Key to Meeting Goals
Ethanol can play a major role in supplying the fledgling sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) industry, which reduces aviation carbon emissions. But, in order to meet this challenge, we must ensure that the...
Fact Sheets
EPA Misses Opportunity to Reduce Carbon in Tailpipe Proposal
New standards proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would govern tailpipe emissions for light-duty vehicles starting with the 2027 model year. Unfortunately, the proposal risks leaving millions of tons of...
Fact Sheets
Biofuels: Fast Facts
Learn more about bioethanol’s role in reducing emissions, creating jobs, lowering costs, fostering energy independence, and enhancing engine performance.