Fuels America Launches Major National TV and Digital Ad Campaign, Website on Earth Day

WASHINGTON — Fuels America coalition members today announced the launch of the “Oil Rigged” television and digital ad campaign and OilRigged.com to expose the many ways the oil industry is rigging the system to protect their profits and block the transition to clean, American renewable fuels. The campaign begins today with the launch of OilRigged.com, at least two weeks of ads on cable stations nationwide, as well as extensive digital advertising that will include an Earth Day takeover of Politico.com.

The campaign shows the benefits of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which gives consumers access to innovative American renewable fuels — which are “cleaner, less expensive, and better for engines” — and warns not to let the oil industry muddy the renewable fuels debate and “rig the system” against competition. The television advertisement notes that the oil industry reaped profits of “$177,000 per minute” last year at consumers’ and taxpayers’ expense.

Oil companies have made the RFS the focus of hundreds of millions of dollars in distorted attacks, simply because the RFS is the most important policy moving America away from reliance on foreign oil and toward a healthier economy and environment.

Embraced by both Democrats and Republicans and signed into law by President Bush, the RFS calls for the use of American-grown renewable fuels in our transportation fuel supply to benefit our economy and environment. Innovative renewable fuels have saved the U.S. as much as $50 billion in a single year and support over 400,000 jobs across the country.

Fuels America stands with the thousands of farm families, workers, small business owners, environmental advocates, military families and veterans who submitted comments to the EPA in support of renewable fuels and a strong RFS. With the resources on OilRigged.com, consumers and decision-makers can avoid getting “oil rigged.”


About Fuels America
Fuels America is a coalition of organizations committed to protecting America’s Renewable Fuel Standard and promoting the benefits of all types of renewable fuel already growing in America. Fuels America is founded on a simple core principle: Renewable fuel is good for the U.S. economy, for our nation’s energy security and for the environment. Visit us at www.fuelsamerica.org.

Aaron Wells

About Growth Energy
Growth Energy represents the producers and supporters of ethanol who feed the world and fuel America in ways that achieve energy independence, improve economic well-being and create a healthier environment for all Americans now. For more information, please visit us at www.GrowthEnergy.org, follow us on Twitter @GrowthEnergy or connect with us on Facebook.