Growth Energy Statement on 2014 RVO Rumors

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to media outlets reporting on a draft Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) document regarding the 2014 RVO proposed rule, Tom Buis CEO of Growth Energy released the following statement:

“The 2014 RVO rulemaking process is not final, and we are not going to comment on an unverified ‘draft’ documents.  There are many steps in the rulemaking process before a rule becomes final.  Unfortunately, as a result of the government shutdown, the process is on hold.  Hopefully, the shutdown ends soon, allowing the rulemaking process to resume, instead of everyone reacting to premature reporting of rumors or unverified leaks, allowing the EPA to follow proper procedures to propose a rule for everyone to comment on. 

“Obviously, someone was irresponsible in leaking such market sensitive information.  Because of the dramatic economic impact on commodity markets there should by an immediate investigation by the Justice Department, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to determine if this was an attempt to manipulate markets such as corn futures, ethanol futures and/or RINS markets.”

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About Growth Energy
Growth Energy represents the producers and supporters of ethanol who feed the world and fuel America in ways that achieve energy independence, improve economic well-being and create a healthier environment for all Americans now. For more information, please visit us at, follow us on Twitter @GrowthEnergy or connect with us on Facebook.