The Asks
- Congress should:
- Enact S.785 / H.R.1608 (Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act of 2023); S.2707 (Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act), which would enable the nationwide, year-round sale of higher ethanol blends.
- Enact S.944 / H.R.2434 (Next Generation Fuels Act of 2023), which would phase in higher octane levels at the nation’s fuel pumps by increasing the use of bioethanol.
- Enact S.2635 / H.R.6508 (Flex Fuel Fairness Act), which would allow automakers to earn credit toward EPA tailpipe standards by manufacturing Flex Fuel Vehicles (FFVs), which are designed to operate on cleaner ethanol blends, ranging from E10 (10% ethanol) to E85 (51-83% ethanol).
What Are Vehicle Emissions Standards?
Under the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for issuing standards that set an upper limit for the amount of emissions that can come from vehicles. In April 2023, EPA proposed new standards governing emissions from light-duty vehicles for the 2027-2032 model years. Unfortunately, the proposal risks leaving millions of tons of carbon reductions on the table by disregarding innovative strategies for decarbonizing transportation with clean, affordable biofuels.
How Do Vehicle Emissions Standards Affect Biofuels and the Bioeconomy?
By not making room for biofuels in its proposal, EPA’s tailpipe emissions standards threaten to limit the use of liquid biofuels and undermine growth in the bioeconomy at large.
- First, EPA’s proposal is unnecessarily narrow, presenting a false choice between only two paths forward – fossil-fuel-only vehicles or mass adoption of electric vehicles. Neither outcome reflects reality, and EPA’s framework ignores the proven, available, and American-made solution of emissions-reducing biofuel.
- Internal combustion engine vehicles will be on the road for decades to come, and we will need liquid fuels to power them. The more oil we displace in those fuels with bio-based alternatives, the greater the environmental benefit. Instead of placing its thumb on the scale for a single technology, EPA’s final standards must reflect the entire lifecycle analysis of all technologies. Doing anything less undermines American ingenuity and innovation in the bioeconomy, while leaving carbon emissions reductions on the table
What Impact Would Growth Energy’s Policy Priorities Have on Consumers, the Economy, or the Environment?
- By revising its proposed standards to include a role for biofuels, EPA could help the country realize emissions reductions from its existing vehicle fleet, rather than relying on an implausibly rapid adoption of electric vehicles at some point in the future.
- A nod to the growing emissions-reducing power of American biofuels would signal to the industry that EPA understands its value in a way that could stimulate investment growth and technological innovation from biorefineries.