
No. 72, March 14, 2019



EPA Releases Rule to Provide Uninterrupted Access to E15 Ethanol Blends

On Tuesday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its proposed rule that would allow E15, a fuel blend with 15 percent ethanol, to be sold year-round. The proposal is a critical step toward providing consumers with uninterrupted access to a cleaner, lower-cost option at the fuel pump, but we also cautioned EPA against any changes to the Renewable Identification Number (RIN) market that could undercut investment in delivering higher ethanol blends.


In a statement, Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor said that “this rule is a critical milestone for rural Americans who make renewable biofuels and for all American drivers, who may soon have a cleaner, more affordable, higher-octane fuel all year long. We are still reviewing details of the proposal, and we look forward to working with the EPA to ensure that any changes – particularly in the RIN market – do not upend the marketplace, and continue to encourage investment in E15 and other higher ethanol blends. We appreciate the administration’s efforts to fulfill the president’s promise and will continue in our commitment to making the environmental and economic benefits of E15 available to consumers nationwide.”


The proposed rule would lift a nearly thirty-year-old limitation on E15, which restricts sales between June 1 and September 15, and today’s announcement from EPA marks the first step in the rulemaking process. EPA has committed to completing the rulemaking process by June 1, 2019, the start of the summer driving season. Additionally, the proposed rule would provide relief to over 1,700 retail stations across 30 states that now sell E15, often for only eight months out of the year, and remove a key regulatory barrier for other retailers seeking to offer a lower-cost, higher-octane option to customers.


Before finalizing the rule, the agency will hold a public hearing on March 29, 2019 in Ypsilanti, MI, as well as accept comments from biofuel producers, farmers, and numerous other stakeholders on the proposed rule. 


We will continue to keep you updated as this develops, as well as opportunities to make your voice heard in this rulemaking process.

For more details, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Chris Bliley.



Check out our ELC photo album to see the best moments from our week riding “The Next Wave”!


Growth Energy Meets with Lawmakers During Spring Fly-in


Washington State House Moves Forward LCFS


O'Brien to EPM: Infrastructure investments drive growth in preblended E15


China's Shanxi Province Announces Promotion of Ethanol For Fuel Use


Growth Energy Celebrates Leading Women in Biofuels


Member Highlight: Big River Resources, LLC


NACS State of the Industry
April 4, Chicago, IL
RVP Hearing
March 29, Ypsilanti, MI

Have You Seen The 2019 ELC Photo Album?


Check out our ELC photo album to see the best moments from our week riding “The Next Wave”!

This year, more than 325 industry leaders joined Growth Energy to prepare for “The Next Wave” of biofuels by listening to panel discussions with industry experts and Growth Energy staff, participating in networking and charity fundraising events, and hearing from Oakland Athletics legend and subject of the hit movie “Moneyball,” Billy Beane.


Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor kicked off the conference by keynoting an address thanking members for their efforts and discussed the industry’s top priorities for 2019, including ensuring a strong Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) during the reset, restoring and growing trade markets around the globe, reallocating lost gallons due to small refinery exemptions, and getting the E15 rulemaking across the finish line. Whatever the challenge or opportunity, Skor emphasized that after ten years of pushing ahead, the biofuels industry is ready.


Attendees also heard from fuel retailers, corn growers, climate advocates, experts on international markets and regulatory affairs, and Growth Energy’s American Ethanol partners about the future of biofuels.


For more information, please contact Senior Director of Operations and Programming Kitty Loyd.


Growth Energy Meets With Lawmakers During Spring Fly-in

This week, Growth Energy members and staff are meeting with over 80 lawmakers and their staff on Capitol Hill to discuss key legislative priorities for the ethanol industry, including finalizing E15 year-round rulemaking before June 1, opening global markets, protecting the RFS, and preparing for the RFS reset.


Check out photos from the fly-in on our Twitter page, and stay tuned for a recap on our website.

For more details, contact Vice President of Government Affairs, John Fuher.


Washington State House Moves Forward LCFS

As we’ve previously written, the Washington legislature is continuing to consider legislation to enact a statewide low carbon or clean fuel standard similar to those in neighboring Oregon and California.


This week, the Washington State House passed their version of the clean fuel standard, HB 1110, by a vote of 53-43. A number of amendments were adopted, including many of the changes representatives of Growth Energy suggested in our last round of testimony. We expect HB 1110 will face some challenges in the Senate, and will continue to keep everyone apprised.


Growth Energy has a consultant on the ground in Olympia who has provided testimony at each of the hearings, and we continue to stay actively engaged so that the market remains open for ethanol-blends should the policy be enacted.

For more details, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Chris Bliley.


O'Brien to EPM: Infrastructure Investments Drive Growth in Preblended E15

Last week, Growth Energy's Vice President of Market Development Mike O'Brien spoke with Ethanol Producer Magazine to discuss the infrastructural growth of retail E15 availability. O'Brien outlined how the increased demand for E15, coupled with higher supply, has made it possible for more and more fuel terminals to begin offering pre-blended E15 to retailers.


“All of this market pressure for demand for E15, in particular around competition, is also spurring on terminals to start offering E15,” O’Brien said. “So, there’s pre-blended supply of E15 coming into the marketplace that wasn’t there even 12 to 16 months ago.”


To read the full interview from Ethanol Producer Magazine, visit their website here.

For more details, contact Vice President of Market Development, Mike O'Brien.


China's Shanxi Province Announces Promotion of Ethanol For Fuel Use

China's Shanxi Province announced last week that it will begin a new initiative to promote ethanol for fuel use in order to reach its climate goal of cutting carbon emissions by unit of GDP by 60 to 65 percent by 2030 from 2005 levels. Shanxi Province is traditionally known for its coal production, and the province began adopting ethanol into its fuel supply as early as 2008 at lower levels. However, the announcement last week would be part of a larger provincial initiative to build an ethanol-blended gasoline distribution center, as well as remodel thousands of gas stations, to be able to offer a 10 percent blend of ethanol fuel throughout the province.


The commitment to reaching higher blends of ethanol at the provincial level is part of China's wider national goal of reaching a nationwide E10 blend by 2020. To help facilitate this goal, China has been ramping up its own domestic production of ethanol and, according to reporting from Reuters late last year, could triple their current production capacity by 2030. The province of Shanxi, in particular, has experimented with converting coal to ethanol, with plans, announced in 2017, to build a 1 million ton per year facility by 2020.


Despite China's ambitious goal of achieving a nationwide E10 blend by 2020, it is unlikely they will be able to do so without importing ethanol from American producers. Growth Energy has remained strongly engaged with Chinese officials and industry stakeholders to reduce barriers to trade and ensure that American producers are well positioned to help China reach its economic and climate goals.

For more details, contact Senior Vice President of Global Markets, Craig Willis.


Growth Energy Celebrates Leading Women in Biofuels 

Last week, in honor of International Women’s Day, Growth Energy recognized just a FEW of the female pioneers leading the biofuels industry – and all the women who advance technologies and innovative solutions in our industry every day. Supporting American ethanol means supporting a more affordable fuel choice at the pump, a healthier environment, and an economic lifeline for rural communities – and it also means supporting female leadership.


  • Emily Skor – CEO, Growth Energy
  • Dana Siefkes-Lewis – Chief Administrative Officer, Redfield Energy

  • Rachel Kloos – Plant Manager, POET Biorefining – Chancellor

  • Michelle Mapes – Chief Legal and Administrator Officer, Green Plains

  • Sarah Thornton Caswell – Administrator, Nebraska Ethanol Board

  • Judy Underwood – Global Marketing Leader, DuPont

  • Amy Davis – Head of Government Relations (North America), Novozymes


Read more about some of the women leading the biofuels industry on our website here.

For more details, contact Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs, Elizabeth Funderburk.


Member Highlight: Big River Resources, LLC


Big River Resources, LLC is one of Growth Energy's member plants based in West Burlington, IA. Formed in 1992 as a cooperative with fuel and feed production objectives, Big River Resources now has four subsidiaries and an investment in ethanol facilities in Iowa, employing nearly 450 team members full time.



Learn more about Big River Resources, LLC and the work they do supporting their community by clicking the button below or on the image above!

For more details, contact Senior Vice President of Development, Kelly Manning.

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