WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Growth Energy sent a letter to Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb urging him to veto SB 303, legislation intended to destroy demand for E15, a fuel blend with 15 percent ethanol.
“Make no mistake, SB 303 was designed to stall new competition at the fuel pump and prevent more consumers from saving three to 10 cents per gallon on a lower-carbon, higher-octane fuel blend,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “In the wake of COVID-19, the last thing Indiana’s economy needs is an assault on ethanol producers and our farm suppliers across the entire state. If the governor allows this anti-E15 bill to become law, Indiana farm families are going to be reminded of it every time they fill up at the pump.”
According to the letter, “SB 303 seeks to limit sales of E15, a 15 percent ethanol fuel blend, by mandating unnecessary warning labels on E15 fuel dispensers that serve only to confuse consumers and add completely unnecessary redundancy to already burdensome federal labeling requirements. This legislation also muddies key regulations in a manipulative attempt to obstruct additional retailers from offering E15.”
Read the full text of Growth Energy’s letter to Governor Holcomb here.