On Tuesday, October 20th, Growth Energy SVP of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley testified at Colorado’s public listening session on the state’s proposed GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap. Released on September 30th, the roadmap examined several scenarios, one of which includes higher biofuel use with both conventional and advanced biofuels along with a heavy focus on zero emission vehicles, and also contained an LCFS feasibility study.
In his testimony, Bliley called on the state to strongly encourage the use of biofuels to meet its climate goals: “We urge the state to develop policies that recognize the realities of today’s fuel market and examine how homegrown biofuels can immediately contribute to achieving greenhouse gas reductions. The state should consider real-world emissions modeling and encourage cleaner biofuel blends – like E15 – that can speed the state toward significant CO2 reductions.”
Comments on the roadmap are due by November 1st. Growth Energy will plan to provide comment on the ability of biofuels and higher biofuel blends to reduce GHGs to meet the state’s climate goals.