WASHINGTON, D.C. -Today, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis issued an action plan to build a clean energy economy in the U.S. Growth Energy appreciates the Committee’s inclusion of biofuels as an important component of a comprehensive plan to decarbonize the transportation sector.
“The evidence is clear that biofuels offer an immediate path toward decarbonization, while replacing toxic fuel additives that poison our air, ” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “Federal data show that U.S. ethanol cuts carbon emissions by 39 percent or more – and that’s only a floor – with the potential to achieve much more thanks to innovations in agriculture and ethanol production. In fact, biofuels are responsible for nearly 80 percent of all the carbon reductions credited under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), with the recorded carbon intensity of ethanol declining nearly 33 percent since 2011.
“We appreciate the hard work of lawmakers seeking to accelerate our progress toward a healthy climate and are pleased that this report recognizes that a zero carbon future must include all clean transportation solutions—from ethanol to electric vehicles. We stand ready to explore policies and opportunities which showcase low-carbon, liquid fuels’ role in reducing emissions and pollution, and driving innovation for low-to-zero carbon renewable fuels.”