Growth Energy Joins Rural Leaders in Petitioning Trump to Uphold Biofuel Promise

Growth Energy has joined a coalition of 61 biofuel and farm advocates in sending a letter to the White House calling on President Trump to fix a flawed proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which “fails in its mission to reinvigorate farm economies and reopen biofuel plants across America’s heartland.” In the letter, the rural leaders note that the EPA’s draft plan undermines the administration’s commitment to restore integrity to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and accurately account for biofuel demand destroyed by Small Refinery Exemptions (SREs):

“Mr. President, we share a common vision regarding the RFS. We want to reopen biofuel plants and restore demand for America’s farm products. We are asking for SRE accountability based on a rolling average of the actual volumes exempted by the EPA during the three most recently completed compliance years. This simple fix will provide the market and regulatory certainty necessary to bring back rural jobs and restore demand. The proposal – as written – will not provide the relief we believe you are seeking.”

Read the full letter here.

Last week, Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor testified before EPA against the EPA’s supplemental proposal put forth on October 11, calling on the agency to fixed the flawed proposal. Additionally, Growth Energy member and President of Siouxland Energy Cooperative Kelly Nieuwenhaus testified before a U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee about the abuse of the small refinery exemptions impact on his business and community.

If you would like to make your voice heard, join us by calling on EPA to fixed its flawed proposal by submitting a comment today! The comment portal closes on November 30, 2019.

Submit a Comment to EPA Today