WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, called on the Trump Administration to move swiftly to restore biofuel demand lost due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) continued abuse of small refinery exemptions. Growth Energy members, representing plants across the heartland, also sent a letter to the White House urging immediate action.
“Our members and farm suppliers need the White House to make this right,” said Skor. “The EPA must immediately repair the damage from abusive refinery exemptions and get lost gallons back into the marketplace before more rural communities lose hope for a comeback.”
In their letter to President Trump, ethanol producers reinforced how important this issue is to rural communities where plants are closing each week and millions of bushels of grain are falling in value.
According to the letter, “…special exemptions have destroyed billions of gallons of U.S. biofuel demand. Many plants have idled production or shut their doors, and annual U.S. ethanol consumption fell for the first time in two decades…Each time a plant idles production, farmers are notified that biofuel producers can no longer accept grain deliveries, and the impact has been devastating for communities already on the edge.”