As the countdown to the release of the final RVOs for 2018 continues, the united voice of the biofuels industry is speaking out against the oil industry’s attempts to misinform the public about the RFS. Here’s a recap of some of the latest rebuttals against their attacks.
- “Big Oil pushes Trump to back away from promises to rural America,” by Mike Carr, executive director of New Energy America, published in The Hill on Oct. 30, 2017
- Excerpt: “Policies that support clean energy, like the RFS, are creating thousands of solid manufacturing jobs across the country and have been particularly key for rural economies in places like Iowa, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Indiana and Ohio. While traveling through many of these states, the president was clear and consistent that, if elected, he would make good on his promise to, as The Hill put it, create “a higher ethanol mandate.” Trump said this, presumably, because he saw first-hand the power of renewable fuels policy to create good manufacturing jobs. Perhaps big oil’s lobbyists aren’t aware that renewable energy jobs are growing at a rapid rate throughout rural America. Maybe they missed New Energy America’s report that shows clean energy beating fossil fuel in terms of jobs in 41 states.”
- “An EPA sneak attack on Trump’s promises to rural America,” by Laura Hubka of Riceville, Ia., former U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman, published in the Des Moines Register on Nov. 1, 2017
- Excerpt: “After 10 years in the Navy, I was proud to return home to Iowa and contribute to a community that is leading the country toward a brighter future. We produce more biofuels than any other state, protecting the environment and promoting U.S. self-sufficiency. But as someone who has helped run caucuses in Howard Country, I know it also means that we hear a lot of promises. As voters, it’s our responsibility to hold office holders to account when promises aren’t kept. President Trump vowed that the RFS would remain an “important tool in the mission to achieve energy independence” and make America ‘great again.’ We are still at risk of seeing Mr. Pruitt shatter that promise.”
- “Letter: Defending the ethanol mandate,” by Marc J. Rauch, executive vice president, Auto Channel, published in The Detroit News on Oct. 31, 2017
- Excerpt: “Gearheads deserve the truth. The EPA has approved E15, a fuel featuring a 15 percent ethanol mixture, for vehicles built since 2001, about nine out of 10 cars on the road today. Millions of miles of testing by U.S. Department of Energy back them up. More importantly, drivers like me have spent decades on the road, proving that higher-octane ethanol blends deliver more miles per dollar and superior performance. Even NASCAR’s 800+ horsepower engines run on E15. Most car manufacturers, including the “Big Three” – General Motors, Fiat Chrysler and Ford – approve the use of E15 for every new vehicle in their lineup.”