WASHINGTON, D.C. — Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor applauded the House of Representatives Biofuels Caucus for sending a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt calling on him to maintain a strong Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The House letter responded to recent actions at the EPA that could halt investments in the production of American-made biofuels like ethanol.
“The proposed changes are inconsistent with the law and threaten the growth and prosperity of the U.S. biofuels industry, along with farmers and rural communities across the heartland,” Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor said.
“We are encouraged by our champions in the House who understand the value of biofuels and who are standing united together in an effort to keep the EPA accountable to Congress’ intent when it passed the RFS. As a nation, we cannot lose sight of everything we have achieved since the enactment of the RFS.
“The RFS has promoted economic growth and energy security by supporting American jobs and insulating our markets against the volatile price of oil from foreign, and often hostile, nations. We’ve made our air cleaner by blending ethanol into our fuel mix, as it reduces harmful emissions and displaces toxic chemicals in gasoline. Furthermore, higher ethanol blends provide consumers with a choice and savings at the pump.
“Backpedaling on the RFS will jeopardize all of this progress, but what’s even more concerning is that it will hinder our ability to go even further. We applaud the signers of this letter for taking that message to the EPA.”
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Chris Hogan