WASHINGTON, DC — This morning, the National Corn Growers Association and the National Farmers Union held a press call where they unveiled a white paper discussing the importance of the RFS and how it is directly tied to farm income. The white paper outlines how the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Renewable Volume Obligations for 2014, 2015 and 2016 will drastically cut back ethanol production, resulting in a direct decrease in farm income. Tom Buis, co-chairman of Growth Energy, has commended both organizations for highlighting this critical issue for rural America and released the following statement:
“Farm income has already declined this year and the proposed reduction of the RVOs under EPA’s proposed RFS rule will only further drive down farm income, putting a severe strain on America’s rural economy. The past several years of inaction by EPA have resulted in significant uncertainty among producers, stifling growth, innovation and the necessary investment to move toward next generation fuels from the farm.
“I commend both the National Farmers Union and the National Corn Growers Association for bringing this issue to the forefront to ensure that communities across rural America can continue to grow and prosper. Homegrown ethanol is a win for all of America, our national security, energy security, economy, environment and consumers! It is time for EPA to recognize that the RFS is the most successful energy policy our nation has ever adopted.”
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