WASHINGTON, DC — The House Energy and Commerce Committee has issued a series of white papers regarding the impact of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Recently they asked stakeholders to submit comments with regards to the agricultural impact of the RFS, and Growth Energy responded by outlining the critical importance the RFS and how this policy has directly benefited consumers, farmers and America. Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy highlighted some of the comments, noting:
“The RFS has been one of the most successful energy policies in the last 40 years and it has had a tremendous positive impact on the agriculture sector and on consumer prices at the pump. The RFS has significantly increased value to farmers for their crops and hard work and has driven production efficiency.”
Additionally, Buis clarified the total amount of corn used to make ethanol, explaining, “While our critics have said the ethanol industry uses a significant portion of the corn crop, if you look beyond simple volume of corn and into the net corn acreage used, the industry actually only utilizes 17.5 percent of the acres because of displacement of corn and soybean meal through the use of distiller grains as a high protein animal feed.”
“The bottom line is that the RFS has provided significant benefits to farmers not only domestically, but worldwide. The global corn crops of recent years have been record-breaking, and have provided economic opportunities to many farmers and communities most in need. Again, corn is a global commodity, and by expanding production, it offers many opportunities for those who may not have otherwise had them. Farmers and producers make business decisions based on what is best for them and their community.”
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About Growth Energy
Growth Energy represents the producers and supporters of ethanol who feed the world and fuel America in ways that achieve energy independence, improve economic well-being and create a healthier environment for all Americans now. For more information, please visit us at www.GrowthEnergy.org, follow us on Twitter @GrowthEnergy or connect with us on Facebook.