WASHINGTON, DC — Growth Energy, the leading coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters, welcomed United Wisconsin Grain Producers, LLC (UWGP) as its newest member, bringing total plant membership to 79, with another 78 associate members. UWGP is located in Friesland, Wisconsin.
“I am proud to announce the addition of United Wisconsin to Growth Energy’s membership,” said Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis. “UWGP is an outstanding facility, a leader in ethanol production and a strong voice for the industry. We are pleased they have decided to join in the efforts of Growth Energy. Their membership strengthens our ability to represent the industry across the nation and toeducate the public on the benefits of homegrown, renewable fuels.”
UWGP began producing in 2005and now has the capacity to produce approximately 58 million gallons of ethanol per year, 200,000 tons of distillers grains and they purchase approximately 20 million bushels of locally grown corn. With a staff of 39, UWGP has among the best ethanol per bushel yield rates in the industry at 2.86, and the plant has recorded more than $100 million in total earnings since beginning operations.
“UWGP is proud to be part of an industry that reduces fuel prices at the pump, lowers emissions, and reduces our countries dependency on foreign oil; all while revitalizing rural America and keeping jobs at home,” said Barb Bontrager of UWGP. “And we are excited about supporting Growth Energy; an industry association whose stakeholders’ have similar visions and goals. It is a critical time for our industry to join forces to tell our success story, provide consumers with accurate information and allow them to make the fuel choices they deserve.”
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About Growth Energy
Growth Energy represents the producers and supporters of ethanol who feed the world and fuel America in ways that achieve energy independence, improve economic well-being and create a healthier environment for all Americans now. For more information, please visit us at www.GrowthEnergy.org, follow us on Twitter @GrowthEnergy or connect with us on Facebook.