WASHINGTON, DC – Growth Energy, the leading coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters, released the following statement in advance of Wednesday’s House Science Subcommittee on Energy and Environment on the Conflicts and Unintended Consequences of Motor Fuel Standards.
“This is the second time this year that this subcommittee has held a hearing on ethanol without bothering to include a witness from the ethanol industry. A hearing whose witness list is comprised overwhelmingly of anti-ethanol critics can hardly be considered fair and balanced,” said Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis.
“Ethanol is the only viable alternative that is available, affordable, clean, and creates U.S. jobs. Instead of attacking policies that would increase access to this green, renewable fuel, the committee should be examining the conflicts and unintended consequences of today’s flawed energy policy, which mandates that we import oil that is getting dirtier, costlier and riskier to extract every day.”