Fueling Freedom Plan Will Level Playing Field, Give Consumers Choice at the Pump

WASHINGTON, DC –In response to news accounts reporting that special interest groups are criticizing Growth Energy’s Fueling Freedom Plan, Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis issued the following statement:

“Ethanol is the only available option that is lessening our country’s addiction to foreign oil – oil that is getting costlier, dirtier and riskier to extract and transport with each passing day,” said Buis. “Whether it’s the spill in the Gulf of Mexico, or the carbon impact of maintaining American military forces in the Middle East, there is no question that addiction to oil comes at a cost. Ethanol is not a ‘someday’ fuel – it is here today, and it is the only commercially-viable alternative we have to oil, two-thirds of which is imported. Domestic ethanol creates U.S. jobs, is cleaner than oil and can strengthen our national security. If Congress were to pass Growth Energy’s Fueling Freedom plan, we would be giving American taxpayers and motorists the power to choose something other than oil at the pump.”

To learn more about the Growth Energy Fueling Freedom Plan visit www.growthenergy.org/fuelingfreedom


About Growth Energy
Growth Energy is a group committed to the promise of agriculture and growing America’s economy through cleaner, greener energy. Growth Energy members recognize America needs a new ethanol approach. Through smart policy reform and a proactive grassroots campaign, Growth Energy promotes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, expanding the use of ethanol in gasoline, decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, and creating American jobs at home. More information can be found at GrowthEnergy.org.