Growth Energy: New Energy-Climate Bill Includes Initiatives to Help Break Our Addiction to Oil

WASHINGTON, DC – A new energy bill that has been introduced by Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) will help our nation realize its energy independence because it includes stronger vehicle fuel standards and a mandate for Flex Fuel Vehicles, according to Growth Energy, the coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters.

“An energy bill that supports the expanded production and use of Flex Fuel Vehicles is the only way that our nation will be able to kick our addiction to oil and decrease the impact it has on our economy, our environment and our national security,” said Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis.

Today, almost eight million vehicles on U.S. highways are flexible fuel vehicles, out of over 246 million vehicles on the road. The Lugar bill requires that up to 90 percent of all new vehicles sold in the United States be flex-fuel capable. This commitment will help ensure that we meet Congress’ goal of 36 billion gallons of biofuel production by 2022 as enacted in the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act, Buis said.

“If we are truly going to meet our nation’s renewable fuel goals and substantially reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we need to invest in policies like these that will bring our entire vehicle fleet up to modern engine standards, and open the market to more ethanol.

“We commend Senator Lugar for introducing this legislation and we will continue to work with congress to pass a bill that includes an investment in clean, renewable transportation fuels to make our nation more energy independent and strengthen our economic security,” Buis added.

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About Growth Energy
Growth Energy is a group committed to the promise of agriculture and growing America’s economy through cleaner, greener energy. Growth Energy members recognize America needs a new ethanol approach. Through smart policy reform and a proactive grassroots campaign, Growth energy promotes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, expanding the use of ethanol in gasoline, decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, and creating American jobs at home. More information can be found at