WASHINGTON, DC – The Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatU.S.) cites unconfirmed and outdated information to prove their point in a recent press release about increasing the use of ethanol, according to a statement by Growth Energy, the coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters.
BoatU.S. claims that moving to E15 could increase food prices and damage engines, but the organization bases its conclusions on controversial theories and false claims.
“Countless studies have proven that ethanol is not the contributor to high food prices as BoatU.S. and other industry groups have tried to claim. Ethanol is a net gain in energy, and not only is Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) a controversial and unsettled concept in the scientific community, there are many who believe that grain ethanol is a benefit because it produces both energy and livestock grain from the same acreage,” said Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis.
“BoatU.S. also fails to consider a newly-released Rochester Institute of Technology study that shows that E20 – a blend of 20-percent ethanol with gasoline – has no measurable impact on vehicle drivability or durability, and lower tailpipe emissions compared to conventional gasoline.
Buis said these results further support Growth Energy’s “Green Jobs Waiver,” which seeks an increase in the allowable blend of ethanol with gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent. In December, the Environmental Protection Agency indicated that engine testing so far showed that 2001-and later vehicles could be eligible for E15, a fact that BoatU.S. mentions in its release. If the EPA approves the waiver, retailers who opt to provide E15 blends will be required to label their fuel in order to help consumers make the right choice of fuel for their particular engine.
“BoatU.S. is ignoring the facts. The truth is increasing the use of ethanol in our fuel can help clean our environment, strengthen our national security and boost our rural economies, all without any impact on the drivability of our cars or the cost of our food,” Buis added.
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About Growth Energy
Growth Energy is a group committed to the promise of agriculture and growing America’s economy through cleaner, greener energy. Growth Energy members recognize America needs a new ethanol approach. Through smart policy reform and a proactive grassroots campaign, Growth energy promotes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, expanding the use of ethanol in gasoline, decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, and creating American jobs at home. More information can be found at GrowthEnergy.org.