Biofuels Basics
Bioethanol is a renewable, earth-friendly biofuel made from plants.
Most bioethanol is currently made from corn and sorghum, but new technologies allow it to be created from other materials like wood chips and agricultural waste.
Bioethanol is blended into gasoline – 98 percent of the gasoline sold in the U.S. includes 10 percent bioethanol. It burns cleaner and cooler than oil, which is good for our environment and our car engines. And the higher the bioethanol content in gasoline, the greater the benefits.
Bioethanol is an advanced biofuel keeping our air clean and our engines running smoothly.
The Basics of Biofuel
Watch this video to learn more about the basics of biofuel — from how it’s made to how it helps save consumers money and lower their carbon emissions.

E15 & E85
Bioethanol is moving America forward every day. Right now, almost every gas station in America sells a 10 percent blend, but many more are starting to offer E15, known to consumers as Unleaded 88, which is a gasoline blended with 15 percent bioethanol.
Already, gas stations in 33 states offer E15, giving drivers a better, more affordable choice at the pump. In areas where higher blends are available, E15 is less expensive than E10 by 15 cents on average, and up to 60 cents in some areas.
E15 is a high-performance fuel that increases horsepower while burning cleaner and cooler than regular gasoline. The Department of Energy tested 86 vehicles for a total of six million miles using E15 without a single fuel-related problem. In 2011, it was approved by the EPA for all vehicles 2001 and newer — nearly 9 out of 10 cars on the road today.
Drivers appreciate having a choice at the pump, and they have driven more than 140 billion miles using E15. NASCAR mechanics agree, which is why they’ve trusted higher bioethanol blends for over 23 million miles on the racetrack.