Research & Fact Sheets
66 items
66 items
Tailpipe Rule: Missed Opportunity to Reduce Carbon
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its multipollutant rule governing tailpipe emissions standards from light duty vehicles on March 20, 2024. EPA’s modeling shows that the more stringent standards would most...
Classroom Resources: Biofuels Curriculum
Growth Energy, in partnership with the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE), has developed a one-of-a-kind biofuels curriculum aimed at educating high school students to the world of biofuels. The curriculum is the...
Pro-Biofuels Tax Incentives
These biofuel tax credits are essential to promoting innovation in rural communities, providing greater long-term energy security, and allowing biofuel producers and farmers to play a role in global decarbonization efforts.
Biofuel Priorities in the 2023 Farm Bill
The ethanol industry purchased $32 billion of corn last year. Access to year-round E15, a 15 percent ethanol blend at the pump, would create demand for 2.4 billion additional bushels of corn...
Biofuels: Fast Facts
Learn more about bioethanol’s role in reducing emissions, creating jobs, lowering costs, fostering energy independence, and enhancing engine performance.
The GREET Model uses the most up-to-date science to accurately estimate the emissions reductions of bioethanol. The U.S. Department of Energy Argonne National Lab’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use...
Considering Historical Land Use When Estimating Soil Carbon Stock Changes of Transitional Croplands
By Kenneth Copenhaver and Steffen Mueller Abstract: Understanding changes to soil organic carbon storage (SOC) requires knowledge of detailed land use history. Many satellite-based analyses of land use change have been conducted...
Achieving Net-Zero Ethanol
For years biofuel producers have been at the forefront of decarbonizing the transportation sector. That’s why they’re consistently making technological improvements to reduce ethanol’s carbon intensity (CI). According to California regulators, ethanol’s...
Impact for the U.S. Economy from Implementation of §45Z of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Section 45Z of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides a tax credit for the domestic production of clean transportation fuels including ethanol, biodiesel, and sustainable aviation fuels. Also known as the Clean...