Earlier this year, the Urban Air Initiative (UAI) partnered with Future Fuel Strategies, an independent consultant, to review, assess and compare nearly 100 different peer-reviewed vehicle emission studies. UAI and Future Fuel Strategies identified the different ways test fuels are blended to be a contributing factor to the differing results in these studies, and ultimately determined a need for an standardized method to adequately predict the effects of different fuel blends. To remedy the problem, UAI commissioned Future Fuel Strategies to develop the guide to be used in future fuel studies.
As Dave Vander Griend recently wrote in Ethanol Producer Magazine, “the guide will develop specific methodologies for emission analyses involving ethanol. It will also develop a vehicle engine test procedure and propose how data should be treated statistically. The development of the fuel blending guide will engage relevant stakeholders in the ethanol, oil and auto industries, as well as in government.”
We applaud the hard work by Dave and Steve Vander Griend, the Urban Air Initiative, and their commitment to bringing cleaner burning biofuel options to the pump.