WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, Growth Energy submitted comments to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) following a July 15th workshop on Fuels and Infrastructure for a Carbon Neutral Economy. In his written submission, Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley urged CARB to expand the use of higher biofuel blends to make California’s fuel mix more environmentally sustainable.
“[H]igher ethanol blends can be immediately deployed in existing vehicles to achieve immediate greenhouse gas reductions, reduce harmful air toxics, and reduce consumer costs at the pump,” wrote Bliley.
Bliley also cited California’s past success reducing emissions with biofuels under the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) policy.
“In fact, biofuels like ethanol have generated more than 75 percent of LCFS credits,” he wrote. “Additionally, even with room to further improve greenhouse gas lifecycle modeling, CARB recognizes the significant improvement in ethanol’s carbon intensity.”
With higher ethanol blends, Bliley added, CARB could achieve deeper carbon reductions while protecting air quality.
“As has been researched by the University of California-Riverside and the University of Illinois-Chicago, the use of more ethanol and ethanol-blended fuel reduces air toxics such as carbon monoxide, benzene, and other harmful particulates,” noted Bliley.
To take advantage of these opportunities, Bliley urged CARB to press ahead on its evaluation of E15 and promote the continued expansion of E85.