Growth Energy Shares Vision for Biofuels at 11th Annual ELC

Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor addresses attendees at the 11th Annual Executive Leadership Conference.

KEY BISCAYNE, FLA. – Growth Energy, the nation’s largest ethanol trade association, concluded its 11th annual Executive Leadership Conference (ELC), “20/20 Vision”. From Feb. 5-8 in Key Biscayne, Fla., over 350 of the nation’s top ethanol industry leaders and innovators joined Growth Energy for a technical forum, panel discussions, networking, and charity events.

In her opening remarks, Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor announced that “Growth Energy will approach this decade through the lens of what will drive demand for American ethanol and propel this industry forward.” Skor shared that at Growth Energy, “we envision a future without barriers in the marketplace. Where infrastructure nationwide supports all ethanol blends. Where policymakers globally lean in on ethanol, embracing it as a solution to climate change. And where consumer confidence in ethanol soars to new heights.”

“Politically, both parties are looking for innovative solutions that will bring us to a low-carbon solution. We are that solution. We represent the transformational change that world leaders are seeking,” continued Skor.

Growth Energy kicked off the conference by hosting its first annual ELC Technical Executive Forum, where attendees heard from experts on how to manage risk, lower their carbon footprint, and better utilize dried distillers grains to advance their bottom line. During ELC’s General Session, attendees received updates from industry experts on expanding consumer access to Unleaded 88, growing the global ethanol outlook, forging a unified industry voice, and ensuring a low carbon future with ethanol fuels. Growth Energy staff also shared an outlook on the association’s policy priorities in 2020. Sarah Robb O’Hagan, the CEO of Extreme Living, keynoted this year’s ELC, and gave her perspective on achieving success in an evolving and ever more competitive world.

“Looking Beyond Our Borders: Opportunities Abroad” with Daniel Beltrán of Grupo Comborsa, Kristy Moore of KMoore Consulting, Kenneth Smith, Craig Willis of Growth Energy, Stephan Wittig of US Grains Council.
Seeing it Through, From Idea to Market” with Jake Comer of Casey’s General Stores and Mike O’Brien of Growth Energy.
“A Look “Under The Hood” with Chris Carter of Under the Hood, Austin Dabney of Growth Energy, John Dodson of NASCAR, Russ Evans of Under the Hood, Shannon Nordstrom of Under the Hood, Andy Randolph of ECR Engines.
“Extreme Focus, Extraordinary Results” with ELC keynote speaker and Extreme Living CEO, Sarah Robb O’Hagan.
Communicating the Industry’s Key Issues Through a Unified Voice” with Brooke Coleman of Advanced Biofuels Business Council, Craig Floss of Iowa Corn, Kelly Nieuwenhuis of Siouxland Energy, Kurt Kovarik of National Biodiesel Board, and Elizabeth Funderburk of Growth Energy.