WASHINGTON, DC — Growth Energy today filed comments to the Environmental Protection Agency in response to the agency’s request for comment following President Trump’s Executive Order, “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda.” Growth Energy’s comments outlined multiple concerns with regulations that hinder the growth of American biofuel.
Chiefly, Growth Energy urged the agency to administer the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) as enacted into law by Congress and make every effort to get annual renewable volume obligations proposed, out for public comment, and finalized in a timely manner. Also related to the RFS, the association called on the agency to finalize its denial of the petition to change the point of obligation.
Another key issue in Growth Energy’s comments include a request for EPA to work with Congress to support legislation to fix the vapor pressure disparity amongst ethanol-blended fuels so that American drivers and retailers alike may choose E15 – fuel blended with 15 percent ethanol. Additionally, the association urged EPA to continue to find ways to improve the approval process for fuel pathways under the RFS.
“By removing these barriers, our industry can continue its success to create jobs, improve our agriculture and rural economies, increase our energy security, and improve our nation’s environment,” Growth Energy stated in its comments.
The full text of Growth Energy’s comments can be viewed here.
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