Advanced newsletter

No. 34, May 30, 2018



EPA, NHTSA Standards Proposal Expected in Coming Weeks


As you may recall, the EPA and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) declared, in their Mid-Term Evaluation, that the GHG and fuel economy standards for light-duty vehicles model year 2022-2025 were too stringent. Following that decision, the EPA, NHTSA, and the state of California have held discussions on how best to set the new standards for these vehicles. California and other states have stated repeatedly that they intend to move forward with the original more stringent standards set at the end of the Obama administration. Meanwhile, automakers are hopeful that one national set of standards can be proposed that would satisfy California, as well as the federal government.


We expect a proposal on the standards in the next few weeks, and regardless of the outcome we will continue to press the case for high octane mid-level ethanol blends. You will recall that Growth Energy first proposed a high-octane E30 to the EPA and the state of California in 2012 specifically to help automakers achieve these standards when they were first being developed.

For more details, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley.



Congressional Recess Slows Movement on RFS


Fuels Institute Meeting Attendance Grows


Member of the Week: Glacial Lakes Energy


Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo

June 11 - 13

Omaha, Neb.

Coke Zero Sugar 400 

July 7

Daytona Beach, FL


Congressional Recess Slows Movement on RFS


There is still no official word from last week's meeting between the EPA and USDA to discuss President Trump's plan for the RFS. We are still gathering intelligence on that meeting and working to monitor any potential outcomes. Currently, with Congress in recess, work to end reckless EPA small refinery waivers through the appropriations process is on hold until Congress is back in session. Senate Democrats blamed President Trump for this weekend’s hike in gas prices, so their letter calling for him to pressure OPEC and protect the RFS may prove to be influential. 

For more details, contact Vice President of Government Relations John Fuher.



Fuels Institute Meeting Attendance Grows


The Growth Energy Market Development team attended the Fuels Institute Annual Meeting last week in Chicago. This year saw a 40 percent increase in attendance, with nearly 200 stakeholders present. The conference covered a variety of issues relating to transportation, including the following: policies, infrastructure, market trends and growth, and cost-effective technologies. These types of events play an important role in helping Growth Energy understand and make an impact on the broader transportation fuel sector in ways that will benefit the biofuels industry. The market development department is always looking for innovative ways to grow market share for American ethanol, and this event was an opportunity to connect with retail partners and learn more about technology, evolving consumer demographics, and infrastructure within the fuels space.

For more details, contact Vice President of Market Development Mike O'Brien.




Member of the Week: Glacial Lakes Energy


Pictured: Glacial Lakes Watertown (left); Glacial Lakes Mina (right)

For our member spotlight this week, we are pleased to highlight our member, Glacial Lakes Energy! You can follow them on twitter @GLEethanol for their latest updates!


Name of company and city/state in which you’re located:
Glacial Lakes Energy - Watertown

Glacial Lakes Energy - Mina

Management Team:

  • President/CEO: James A. Seurer
  • Plant Managers: Steve Walker - Watertown, SD; Scot Hyatt - Mina, SD
  • EHHS Manager: Pete Bullene

How long has the company been in operation?

Our first location, Watertown, has been in operation since 2001, while our second location, Mina, has been open since 2008.


How long have you been a GE member?
We have been a member of Growth Energy since 2011.


What do you consider some of your company’s main accomplishments?
The 2008 financial crisis placed a heavy burden on our economy. Despite that burden, Glacial Lakes was able to make a strong recovery and contribute to meeting America's demand for ethanol. We continue to provided consistent dividend returns to our investors and have paid off our long-term debts. We strive to maintain our performance standards from the past 10 years.


What's your website address?


What do you like about being a member of Growth Energy?
One of the best things about being a member of Growth Energy has been having our voice heard. Growth Energy's focus on the future and emphasis on strategic goals, such as the retail perspective, have been some of its best features.

Any other fun facts?
Glacial Lakes Energy is proud to say that we are owned by 4,100 shareholders the majority of whom are producers. Additionally, our Watertown plant was the first Fagen/ICM design build plant.

For more details, contact Vice President of Development Kelly Manning


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