Houston Ruck

32 items
32 items
Fact Sheets
Lower Fuel Costs with E15
E15, a 15% ethanol-blended fuel, is a lower-cost option at the gas pump. As a result of the temporary waivers issued in 2022, 2023, and 2024, consumers choosing E15 experienced average cost...
Fact Sheets
Rebuild the Farm Economy with a Robust RFS
For nearly 20 years, the RFS has been a bedrock policy that supports hundreds of thousands of American jobs, provides more affordable fuel options at the pump for American drivers, enhances American...
Fact Sheets
Win Global Markets with American Ethanol
With fair access to foreign markets and increased emphasis in U.S. international energy engagements, American producers will dominate the global bioeconomy and expand the trade surplus of U.S. ethanol. However, tariffs, technical...
Fact Sheets
Ensuring Year-Round Sales of E15
In 1990, Congress specified that fuel with 10 percent ethanol (E10 or regular) could be sold year-round to encourage use of ethanol blended fuels, which provide significant reductions in tailpipe emissions. This...
Fact Sheets
Drive American Innovation Through Federal Tax Incentives
The Clean Fuel Production Tax Credit, or 45Z, provides a tax credit for low emissions fuels that have a carbon intensity (CI) score below a baseline level (50 kgCO2e/MMBTU). This incentive is...
Fact Sheets
UNL88 (E15): Progress Update
UNL88 is Gaining Quick Traction in the Marketplace. Today, there are more than 3,700 retail locations in 33 states selling E15 at a price point up to a dollar cheaper per gallon...
Event Galleries
Biofuels Summit 2024 Photo Gallery and Video Recap
Explore the highlights of the 2024 Biofuels Summit in Washington, D.C. by browsing our exclusive photo gallery, capturing key moments and insights from this year’s event. Explore the Gallery Watch a Video...
Fact Sheets
Tailpipe Rule: Missed Opportunity to Reduce Carbon
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its multipollutant rule governing tailpipe emissions standards from light duty vehicles on March 20, 2024. EPA’s modeling shows that the more stringent standards would most...
Fact Sheets
Classroom Resources: Biofuels Curriculum
Growth Energy, in partnership with the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE), has developed a one-of-a-kind biofuels curriculum aimed at educating high school students to the world of biofuels. The curriculum is the...
Press Releases
Biofuels Industry Leads Defense of RFS in U.S. Court of Appeals
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Growth Energy, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Clean Fuels Alliance America (CFAA), and others filed two intervenor briefs in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia...